June 22, 2024

Marathon XC mountain bike racing returns to Squamish!

For updates, follow:
@thehaulback on instagram

2024 Race Results

Women's Podium
  1. Katerina Nash (2:09:56)
  2. Mical Dyck (2:15:53)
  3. Sonya Looney (2:16:27)
Men's Podium
  1. Sean Fincham (1:39:54)
  2. Geoff Kabush (1:44:58)
  3. Max McCulloch (1:49:41)

You can find the full results for ALL categories, with times, below.

Full Course Results ↗

OneUp Timed Descent ↗

Racer Information

The Haulback Race Guide is a MUST READ!

For your planning purposes, here is the key information:
  • Registration
    Option 1 - Night Before: Friday June 21st from 5-8pm at Day Time Cycling
    Option 2 - Race Morning: Saturday June 22nd (race morning) from 7-9am at parking lot (pin drop) near Carpenter Sons Bridge below the University (this location is close to the finish line).
  • Start Staging: 9:40am
    Start Time: 10:00am sharp!
    Start Line Location: (pin drop) about 500 meters before the start of Jack's Trail. On trail just ABOVE Dowad Drive.
  • Parking: We recommend parking near the race-morning registration area (near the University) and ride to the start from there. This is the same location as the finish line area. Do NOT park near the start area!
  • After Party: opens 1:00pm at The Backyard, Squamish (yes, parking is available here)
    Awards: 3:00pm
  • Race Results: live timing and post-race results will be available via https://zone4.ca/event/2024/p2VN9p/

Sponsors + Supporters

Day Time Cycling
Vibe9 Design
Lorenz Developments
Vocari Financial - SunLife
Backyard Squamish
BC Bike Race
Skytech CNC
BA Blacktop

The 2024 Haulback Course Route *

View Full Description ↓
Updated: June 21, 2024

~ 34 km, ~ 1,269 m

* Route is subject to change at discretion of race organizers.

Download GPX File
View on Strava Routes
View on TrailForks Note, maps are not 100% accurate as there have been slight modifications to the course (described below) since maps were created.

2024 Course Overview

Updated: June 21, 2024

The Haulback will be a point to point mass-start race, with a timed descent down Angry.

The course will be incredibly well marked, it will challenge your fitness and put a smile on your face when you're going downhill.

We will be using chip timing provided by Zone4, so you can be sure results will be accurate and available in real time.

Full Course Description

Start - Above Dowad on Jack's to 50 Shades

Race begins on Jack's trail above Dowad Drive - around the top of the Covenant Trail.

From the start on Jack's you'll make your way up to 50 Shades of Green (lower and upper), across Of Mice and Men to the first descent of the race - Rupert.

Rupert to Man Boobs

Descend Rupert then turn left on Mashiter and head all the way up to Man Boobs. Descend Man Boobs (including the new, shorter, re-route), then turn left on Bob Macintosh, then left again onto Alice Lake Access Rd, and climb all the way up to Lower Lumbar.

Lower Lumbar/All About Yew and across Northside Connector

After catching your breath, from the long gravel road climb, turn right and descend Lower Lumbar, and continue onto All About Yew, then turn left on North Side Connector. Take North Side Connector all the way across to the bridge, cross the bridge and continue climbing up the gravel road to the second exit and all the way across to the top of Angry.

Angry - Timed Descent, Sponsored by OneUp

Begin the OneUp Timed Descent all the way down Angry. The trail will be clearly marked and marshalled on race day. The timed descent ends BEFORE the last rock feature just before Angry meets the gravel road (i.e. North Side Connector).

Etiquette & Timed Descent Race Rule: If someone catches you, please move out of the way (this may require you to pull over and stop), as they are faster than you (otherwise they woud not have caught you). You need to let them pass (as soon as you can safely do so). This ensures everyone can race their race, be safe, and have fun!

Ode to JABR and the TOM: panning for the man and plunging for gold

After Angry, at the gravel road, turn left cross the main road (there will be marshalls), ride through the 7Mesh heckle zone, and proceed to and descend Another Man's Gold, then climb the Ring Creek Rip to the Power House Plunge. Descend The Plunge all the way to the first gravel road crossing, then turn right and climb to Somewhere Over There (SOT).

From the Ring Creek climb onward in the race, you may encounter moto dirt bikers, as these are shared trails. Please be courteous.

Somewhere Over There... is a finish line!

Make sure you're well fueled and still have your wits about you, as this climb and descent will surely tease out the cramps and demand your focus. Head straight into the SOT climb where you'll top out on the giant rock, and then head down the final descent of the race.

As you descend, stay focused as this is definitly the most technical of all the trails in the race. There are also lots of off shoots so pay attention to the arrows marking the way! All main slabs will be closed, with the exception of the first slab (top of trail) and the last slab with the "panty line" trail sign option, both of which will be open (with optional easier lines).

The single track will dump you out on the gravel road (Powerhouse Access Road) and send you right, then follow the arrow and go left at the first double track junction down a short baby head strewn piece of double track (DO NOT go towards poop alley), then power down and get ready to sprint the last few hundred meters of flat double track to the finish line, located at the giant overhead log.

Please note, course is subject to change at the discretion of race organizers.

View Course Maps ↑ Note, maps are not 100% accurate as there have been slight modifications to the course (described above) since maps were created.

The Haulback